To the Editor,
I noticed that my blog,, appeared on your cover. I was excited to see the web address which I'm sure, until this week, has only been visited by my friends and family. Traffic to the blog has picked up significantly this week after the most recent photos of snow prints that my friends and I did in newly powder covered cars were posted. I sent an email to the highly regarded street art website that also posted photos and a link. There is now a lively discussion on the comment board. A majority of the responses are very posotive and seem to have inspired people, others though think that the photos are too detailed to be real. Here are some of the more skeptical and hilarious comments:
"this is fake. I've lived in snow country all my life...and this is impossible to do! Snow angels yes...but a FACE!> No way!"
"there is no way this is real."
"Wow!I wish I knew how to use Photoshop too!"
A couple have come to the conclusion that the prints were made by some sort of sub-human, and have warned others to beware,
"Don't feed the trolls. This is as fake as fake could be."
and my favorite,
"Y'all niggas be posting in a troll thread"
Being that your publication took interest enough to put the blog on your cover, I would like to assure you of a couple things.
1. The photos are in fact real. No photo shopping or alteration have been done, the prints were made by putting our faces in fresh powder and then I took pictures with a point and shoot camera.
2. I am not trying to become famous, I was just pleased with what happened and want to share.
3. I am not a troll.
Thank you for featuring my work.
Aly Lenon
1 – 200 of 529 Newer› Newest»that's incredible!
these are amazing.
Wondrous and beautiful.
I want to see some video, it looks like they would have the same effect as this:
How did you do this? They are very real looking.
lOOK LIKE THEY WERE DONE WITH A mold or cast they are so perfect. Also with it still snowing, they don't show any degradation.
Amazing work!
WOW!! This are amazing! I am gonna have to try this to believe it.
that is amazing!
I can't wait for the snow to come, and get out and try this
This is awesome!
Awesome. i had to show it our readers.
i want snow. now!!
these are absolutely incredible!!! thanks for sharing :)
This is exactly what snow is for. Thank you for these beautiful images!
wow, really cool!
that's some fucked up and cool shit
amazing! I linked to you to share the radness.
thats like some hella temporary andy goldsworthy shit.
i just tried that and all the snow stuck to my face, and it was really cold and sucked ass. and it didn't even leave an awesome imprint
oh those are wonderful!
Fantastic! That's really well done.
Yeah, I lived in snow for about 12 years and I have to say this is total BS (No offense since it looks cool). We tried crap like this all the time and there is no way you can get this level of detail by doing that.
Wow, now that is some pretty cool stuff.
yall are idiots
this is so cool!!
That is SO cool!
this is fake. I've lived in snow country all my life...and this is impossible to do! Snow angels yes...but a FACE!> No way!
there is no way this is real. ;
Y'all niggas be posting in a troll thread
This really does work! I just made a bunch of these prints around the outside of my house. Just as long as you stay pressed against a few inches of snow without moving for at least around 10 seconds, you'll get a really nice imprint which looks convex if you take a flash picture from an angle. Lots of fun to experiment!
Don't feed the trolls. This is as fake as fake could be.
Wow!I wish I knew how to use Photoshop too!
Amazing. Amazing what some people will believe just because they see it on the internet....
Really amazing, it really has a great 3dimensional effect! I passed by accidentally, but stayed to take a good look!
minghags mingin.
That's pretty dope.
Look here-
Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park saw your site!
Nice, probably fake :(
But nice either way...
That's the most beautiful thing made from snow I've ever seen.
come on, looks cool, but it's fake, trust me!
Wonderful blog!!- Rally enjoyed my visit- thank you for the lovely photos
these anonymous guys are hilarious. don't knock it till you try it, dudes.
my sister and I did a ton of them last night. they worked beautifully... (although in a couple I look eerily like my father...)
Doesn't matter if they are fake or not it's cool anyway.
To everyone screaming "FAKE!!!":
It's called an OPTICAL ILLUSION. More specifically, the Hollow-Face Illusion:
no way can these look this good without some kind of touch up
Cool pics, I tried this in a few snow banks around my yard here in Seattle wa. It works.
I mainly did my face. Although I could see it the results in the snow picture, I used my photo shop and made them look like a negative. WOW definitely can see my face in 3D.
Thanks for a cool idea.
The images are amazing. Thanks for posting. The hollow face illusion is well-known in both art and vision science, so that part passes my credibility check. As for whether this could be done with snow, well, that depends on the snow. There are lots of different consistencies of snow, and there's a huge difference between "fresh powder" and "packing snow" and the good stuff for building igloos. Do I believe there's a light fluffy packing snow that would take a finely detailed surface impression? Yup. But then, having lived in at least a dozen different Canadian climates, I may have a wider experience of snow than other commenters.
linked to you from my thingy.
WOW! I wish it snowed in Cape Town so I could try this.
WoW! That's really cool!I saw this
on Mike Shinoda's blog (The guy from Linkin Park)
WoW! That's really cool, I saw this on Mike Shinoda's blog (guitarist of the band Linkin Park).
These are insane. Kudos to you, buddy.
Lovely, lovely
Bonitas y originales. Dará pena que se diluyan.
Photoshop is your firend
photoshop is your friend
A nice collection.
Jako lijepo! Very nice!
Fake 100%
a nicely done photoshop F-A-K-E. seems almost real though...
not fake! its pretty freakin simple. but it only looks really cool if you take a picture of it. why would this be fake?! it would be alot harder to make this look real in photoshop then to just do it. in fact after i saw this i went out and made a bunch. makes me look really fat though. or maybe i am just fat.
Super super super RAD!
If I had only known this when it was blizzarding in Las Vegas last week I would have given it a go.
I don't care what the trolls say (DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!), I think it's gorgeous, a little disturbing, and hella cool of you to share. Thanks!
they're beautiful! thanks for sharing :)
these are so pretty. you should do them professionally! :) You're awesome.
I CAN VOUCH! These are real! Saw them for myself. May be hard to believe, even for those of you have lived in the snow "all your life" and never had any success. Ever consider you were not doing it right?
Thanks for sharing your creative-ness!
so cool - thanks for sharing
I don't know why all you people who say that you've "lived in snow all your life" and think that this is impossible.
I've lived in Colorado for 22 years and I do this stuff all the time. Just try it.
Bravo - the photos are beautiful. My husband and I wrote out names in the snow atop Whistler Mountain in British Columbia while vacationing there one August. The photos had the same 3-D effect.
For all the people who are saying this is impossible - take a snowbound Canadian's word for it:
Snow doesn't just come in one form - it can be soft and fluffy or sticky, heavy, damp, or it can even arrive in the form of tiny pellets that resemble plastic beads.
When the conditions are right, making impressions like this would be entirely possible. Any Canadian kid who has sat his/her arse in freshly fallen snow and gets up to find a perfect impression of his/her snowsuit understands that this would work.
However, I do tip my tuque to you, Aly, for sticking your bare face into the cold snow. Brrrrr!
These are so cool! I grew up on the prairies (in Saskatchewan) and we made snow impressions of our butts etc all the time, but never of faces. I admire the fortitude to stick ones face in the snow like this!
These are cool face in snow pressings but not art sorry
This is real, for all of you non-believers. You just have to do it in a thin amount of snow, and take the picture right away if its snowing so it doesn't get ruined. Sure, your face gets cold, but its really fun!
can't wait for it to snow again so i can try! amazing and beautiful. :)
My husband and I did this at Flaming Geyser State Park, Auburn, Washington, before we were married almost 20 years ago! We have tried it in years since, and have only gotten it to work once after the first time. We never thought to take a picture though. Yours are much more detailed with more than just faces, but in ours, we had on our sunglasses and that was very cool. Awesome job!!! For those non-believers out there, PhotoShop is not needed for this!!!
The photos are really cool and I'd love to publish some of them in my little blog, {}, with translation of the story in Greek and link to your blog.
They look real pictures to me, and i hope in the future more people to be such creative and even more, in order to keep themselves, their friends and the others around them happy, in every little chance they get, as you did.
:-) happy new year
You're beautiful.
these are great! i am willing it to snow in scotland so i can have a go too :o)
I have some serious doubt as to whether this would EVER work in the Texas panhandle, we get mostly horizontal snow.
Holy crap that's awesome! I want to run out of my office and try it right now!
I found you through craftzine.
This is amazing, I love that it is temporary. Thanks for posting. Enjoy the snow.
i plan on trying this, very very cool
I don't understand how you could do these prints and then get up without leaving a mark.
I'd like to believe it's not a fake, but it'd be good to see someone actually creating one of these things to see how it's actually done!
Cool pics.
oh man I can't wait till it snows in Seattle again, I have to try this naked. And to those retards that thinks it's fake "your fake"
ha this pix look cool and tricking my mind then i look again they look like sculpter but are not ther inprint just put your face in the snow en make a pix and your mind does te rest
I love it. I want it to snow now! People are so cynical.
These are neat, but I am (respectfully) skeptical as well. I'm not understanding how I am seeing things in profile that don't seem like they could be pressed into the snow that way. I am experienced with snow (And playing in it) as I'm born, raised, and currently living in WI.
Of particular interest is the hand of the figure on the right in IMG_4683.JPG. How is the pinky infront of the next finger and so on down to the index finger? And the palm seems to be defying what is possible in snow as well. I'm willing to believe that it might possible be a brain-trick of shadow with the flash, but (As was mentioned) how were the subjects able to get up while leaving such a detailed imprint? They had to have been aided (i.e. carefully pulled directly away by a strong individual).
Very cool pictures and higly creative but in a simple way. I love them. I posted them on my blog at
Very nice pics !
I want to believe that it is not fake ;-)
I will try it ! ( now I have to wait fo snow in France...)
Thanks for sharing, it looks amazing!
- Snoqualmie, WA
Great work, I really like it!
Although it is clearly a fake, it's still really nice and pretty :)
Amazing. And don't worry about the jerks that say it's fake. Did it myself in fresh snow and worked. Even made a video! Thanks for the inspiration!
These pics are awesome. Thanks for posting them.
We've just had snow storms in the UK so I went out first thing and tried it. Just leaning over the bonnet of a car, you dont have to lean your whole weight into it, just lean over and press yourself in slowly. Deep, powdery snow works great. You get a cold face and strange looks from passers by :)
Wow, this is inspired.
Cool! You posted the video! Told you it was fun.
its incredible... you are a excellent artist... I love your blog... but i dont understand how you take this photos... are really nice
Many thanks
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Hey I must admit that I have no idea about the technicalities of these pictures but they are fab. Its incredible, the creativity that it involves, the expression, it just amazing to know how human mind works. Anyways I did come across this on Mike Shinoda's blog. You can find some more interesting stuff on
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Fake or not they are very nice. I really wonder how did you manage to bring out the faces. Should they not be inward if you put your face in the snow rather than carving effect? Perhaps you share the secret with us.
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Amazing post shared here..thanks for your efforts..nice snow pictures.
I like your site. The snow prints that you are showing are pretty nice. I live in the east coast of the United States and winter is all but over. I will have to wait until next year to do some of my own.
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I like your site. The snow prints that you are showing are pretty nice
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Great information, you have a wonderful blog and an excellent article!!
OK, the part I don't get is if these people pushed their faces into fresh snow powder on a car, how did the imaged of the faces looking forward work. You would have to be somehow beneath the snow. I don't see how that would work.
This is amazing! Never saw anything like that! I know that there are people building things from sand but thats really impressive!
hi there guys, Nice information given.keep posting kind of information in this blog.
These are very cool illusions. I would love to try but alas where i live its always sunny and never snows.
Amazing post shared here i would love to visit your site again to check out the new updates. thanks for your efforts nice snow pictures.
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Amazing snow art.
Great post thanks for th eread!!
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Awesome print :-) The video is nice too. Thanks for the post.
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